Neal McDonough: 360 Review


Neal McDonough is an American actor known for his roles in various television series and video games. Let's take a closer look at the background, key attributes, and pros and cons of Neal McDonough.

Neal McDonough: Early Life Neal McDonough was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts on February 13, 1966. He grew up in Barnstable, Massachusetts and was raised Catholic. He attended Syracuse University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1988.

Key Features: - Born on February 13, 1966 - Graduated from Syracuse University - Raised Catholic

Pros: - Extensive experience in television and film - Known for his strong family values - Refusal to film sex scenes due to his Catholic beliefs

Cons: - Faced challenges due to refusal to act in certain scenes

In addition to these details about Neal McDonough's early life, it's important to note that he has received several award nominations and won the Atlantic City Film Festival's Best Actor (Jury Award) for his role in "A Perfect Little Man".

Overall, Neal McDonough is a well-respected actor with a strong commitment to his faith and family. His extensive experience in the entertainment industry has solidified his reputation as one of the leading actors of our time.

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