Berangkat! #streetfood (Gratis)
Let s go travelling with Rangga around Surabaya, Kota Pahlawan, The City of Heroes. Surabaya, where is it anyway? Surabaya is the capital of East Java, a province in Indonesia. Surabaya is a city which the citizens are so energic yet so friendly. And it s also a place that fulfilled with delicious foods. The culinary are unique, they re not so impressive on looks but very tasty. Alike to the people, they may be looks strict, but trust me, they are very friendly. Let s discover the traditional streetfood of Surabaya! Help the streetfood sellers serve the customers by picking the right ingredients. You will find many customers with their characters, they are the part of citizen of Surabaya. Let s dicover more about Surabaya! Taste the food! Feel the heat! Let s go! Budhal! Berangkat!
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