Story IG: The Ultimate Guide to Anonymously Viewing and Downloading Instagram Stories

Ditulis oleh Ayu Pratiwi - Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 08:20
Learn how to view and download Instagram stories anonymously. Compare StoryIG and AnonStories for features, safety, and legal aspects.

StoryIG and AnonStories are two platforms that offer the ability to view and download Instagram stories anonymously from public accounts. In this article, we will provide an in-depth comparison of these platforms to help you understand their features, safety, and legal aspects.



StoryIG is a free service that allows anonymous viewing of Instagram stories from public accounts without requiring authorization. The platform provides completely free functionality, allowing you to watch stories anonymously without any additional steps, just by entering the Instagram username.

Key Features

Legal Aspects

StoryIG ensures the privacy of your browsing by using SSL encryption to protect your information. Moreover, there's no need to create an account or share any personal information while using the tool. It is legal to view public information on StoryIG. Please remember that the rights to photos and videos belong to their respective owners.

Safety and Usage

There is no need for an Instagram account to track someone else's profile on StoryIG. You can easily view other people's profiles by entering their username in the search field on the main page of the website. The service can be used on any device without restrictions as long as you have an internet browser and internet access.



AnonStories offers a simple way to download and save Instagram Stories and Stories Highlights photos and videos to your PC, Mac, or phone. The tool is 100% anonymous, and the user whose account is being viewed will not know that their account has been accessed.


Key Features

Safety and Usage

The tool only works with public profiles and does not require creating an account or sharing personal information. It can be used on any device, including mobile, tablet, or computer.

Exclusive Features Subscription

AnonStories also offers exclusive features through a subscription at a cost of $4.99 monthly.

In conclusion, both StoryIG and AnonStories offer valuable services for anonymously viewing and downloading Instagram stories from public accounts. While StoryIG focuses on providing completely free functionality with no registration required, AnonStories offers exclusive features through a subscription model. Users can choose the platform that best suits their needs based on these offerings.

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